The Funeral Home’s Obligations to Provide Quality Embalming 3 CEC Category A

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This course will discuss the roles, responsibilities, and obligations of funeral service professionals in providing the best embalming results possible and a positive viewing experience for the family. Quality embalming should not start in the embalming room. Great embalming results will, of course, depend on the effort and skills of the embalmer but what can the funeral home do to maximize the best possible results? Outside the preparation room, there is much to be done that will improve the viewing experience for the family. This course will explore the responsibilities and obligations that a funeral director has in making funeral arrangements and how this can be used to enhance the family’s viewing experience. Management and funeral homeowners also play a critical role in ensuring that quality embalming standards are provided and this course will discuss their responsibilities and obligations in ensuring that quality embalming is provided. All staff members in the funeral home have a role in contributing to the viewing experiences that families will have. Whether this role is a large one or a small one, topics discussed in this course will describe the roles and responsibilities of all staff members involved. The key is customer satisfaction.